SDMA COVID Update - 4/7/2021

SDMA COVID Update - 4/7/2021
Posted on 04/07/2021

Dear SDMA Families and Staff,

COVID-19 activity continues to increase across the country, state, and local community. Some increases can be expected due to the new variants, spring break travel, Easter gatherings, reinfections, and the easing of some restrictions, but it is important to understand that COVID-19 is still circulating in our community and can be easily spread if proper precautions are not observed. 

Studies have demonstrated that cases in schools are closely aligned with disease activity in the community, so please continue to be mindful of any gatherings, consider getting vaccinated, and do what you can to Wash Up, Mask Up, and Back Up, so our schools can have a successful end to the school year and get beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccine Eligibility: Everyone in Wisconsin age 16 and older is now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination. Currently, only the Pfizer vaccine is authorized for individuals 16-17 years old. Parents may wish to reach out to your family health provider and consider the Student Vaccination Guidance developed by the SDMA when considering a vaccination for your 16+ year old child.

Wisconsin COVID-19 Update
As previously noted, COVID-19 data trends have been inching up across the state. According to the Department of Health Services website, the 7-day average in Wisconsin for new cases is 657 today (up from 470 last week) and percent positivity is 3.7% today (up from 2.8% last week). 

Dunn County COVID-19 Data Update
According to Monday's update on the Dunn County Facebook page, disease activity across the county is "High" with 55 active cases in Dunn County and 4 people hospitalized due to COVID-19 (up from 45 and 1 last week). The COVID-19 vaccine series has been completed by 7,769 Dunn County residents- 17.1% of the county population (up from 6,567/14.5% last week). 

SDMA Student COVID-19 Data
Some of the newly reported confirmed COVID-19 cases in Dunn County over the past week have been students enrolled in the SDMA. With 2,833 students participating in the in-person instructional model for the second semester, the SDMA currently has 12 active student cases- 0.42% [up from 7 active cases (0.25%) last week]. The breakdown of active student cases includes:

  • Menomonie High School-     6 (up from 4 last week) 
  • Menomonie Middle School-  2 (same as 2 last week) 
  • Menomonie Elem. Schools-  4 (up from 1 last week) 
  • Menomonie 4K-                     0 (same as 0 last week)

Student COVID-19 exclusions across the district have stabilized this week. Today, 3.00% of the students in the SDMA were excluded from school due to close contacts, symptoms, or other COVID-19 concerns (down from 3.32% last week). The 7-day average for student exclusions across the SDMA is 3.33% (up from 2.52% last week). 

The current breakdown of SDMA student exclusions includes:

  • Menomonie High School-      2.74% (down from 2.96% last week)
  • Menomonie Middle School-   2.24% (down from 2.76% last week)
  • Wakanda Elementary-           5.54%  (up from 3.50% last week)
  • River Heights Elementary-    5.10%  (up from 3.68% last week)
  • Oaklawn Elementary-            0.95%  (down from 6.31% last week)
  • Knapp Elementary-                2.44%  (same as 2.44% last week)
  • Downsville Elementary-         1.23%  (same as 1.23% last week)
  • Menomonie 4K*-                    2.42%  (up from 1.82% last week)

SDMA Staff COVID-19 Data
There has not been a reported case of COVID-19 by SDMA staff since the beginning of February, so there are still "0" active COVID-19 cases with SDMA staff. Today, 0.88% of the 565 district staff members were excluded from work for COVID-19 reasons (same as 0.88% last report). The 7-day average for staff exclusions across the SDMA is 0.96% (up from 0.88% last week). All SDMA faculty and staff members have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, and approximately 70% of SDMA employees have reported that they received the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Hopefully the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is already behind us, but it is critical that we all stay vigilant for a little while longer. 


Joe Zydowsky