Summer School

                             SUMMER PROGRAMMING 2025 
                          Session I:    June 16-19 & 23-26
                         Session II:   July 7-10 & 14-17
                         Session III:  July 21-24 & 28-31

                                Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 2 weeks/session
                             AIM ART CAMP - August 4-8 (Monday through Friday)

Looking for fun and educational learning opportunites for your child this summer? Enrollment begins on Monday, April 7th at noon.

Summer School Registration/Enrollment

Registration is online only and is open to age-eligible students residing in the School District of the Menomonie Area (SDMA), as well as open-enrolled students living outside the district attendance area who were approved for open enrollment and attended SDMA during the 2024-2025 school year, at no charge. Registration for all classes is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Online enrollment will be completed through Skyward Family Access. You will need your Family Access username and password to complete your registration. If you have not used Family Access, please call (715) 232-1642, extension 11331, or (715) 232-1816 to get your access set up before Monday, April 7th.

Brochure with Class Descriptions

We are excited to annouce a variety of new classes for 2025! The course book will be available on this page the week of March 24th. Check back then to explore all the exciting summer course offerings.

Homeschool or Parochial Students Residing in SDMA

Please contact Marinella Lee in our enrollment office at (715) 232-1642, extension 11331, to verify your child's summer enrollment and learn how to complete the registration process. Address verfication is required, so please complete this before the online registration date of April 7th to ensure successful enrollment for your child.