Dear SDMA Families and Staff,
Over the past several months, a number of issues have led to increased racial tensions and examples of social unrest in America. According to recent news reports, Minneapolis has already taken steps to prepare for potential unrest related to the trial for the death of George Floyd, and it has been reported that there has been an alarming increase in the number of anti-Asian hate incidents across the country over the past year.
Acts of violence, racism, and discrimination are not acceptable in our schools and do not align with the mission, vision, and core values of the School District of the Menomonie Area. There are many students, families, and staff members in our community who may be disproportionately impacted by recent acts of violence across the country. According to demographic data collected by the Department of Public Instruction, the SDMA student population includes children who identify as White (81%), Asian (9%), two or more races (5%), Hispanic (3%), Black (2%), and other races (<1%). The mission of the SDMA is to embrace the unique needs and use the strengths of our diverse community to prepare ALL students to be lifelong learners, caring individuals, and responsible citizens.
According to school district policies, all students and staff in the SDMA have a right to expect a safe learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and bigotry. Discrimination, harassment, and bullying of students and staff is prohibited in the SDMA, and the school district takes any such incidents very seriously. Everyone in the school district is obligated to intervene and report any forms of discrimination, harassment, and bullying observed in our schools, so appropriate action can be taken. Please do not hesitate to report any concerning behaviors to school officials and/or other proper authorities.
Thankfully, our school district is made up of many great students, teachers, support staff employees, families, and community members who care. There are countless examples in our schools where people have done a great job teaching, supporting, and caring for ALL students. It is especially important at this time that we all are well aware of how violence, racism, discrimination, and bigotry is impacting our country and respond appropriately to any possible incidents of such in our local schools and community. Especially during these challenging times, please continue to help the school district model for our children and each other behavior that is civil and respectful of all people.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter, and thank you for your continued support of our school district.
Joe Zydowsky