Dear SDMA Families.
As previously shared, the registration window for the full-time virtual option for the first semester closes at midnight. There will be a required virtual orientation meeting for all families who chose the full-time virtual school option on Monday, August 17.
The K-5 orientation meeting will be held at 6:00 pm: .
The 6-12 orientation meeting to be held at 7:00 pm: .
The virtual orientation meetings will be recorded and posted on the SDMA virtual school website for those who cannot join live, but please note that the window for families to voluntarily drop from the full-time virtual school program will close at midnight on Wednesday, August 19. A voluntary drop will be considered official if an email is received by SDMA Director of Technology Katie Krueger by midnight on August 19. Ms. Krueger's email address is: [email protected].us .
While offering the opportunity for in-person instruction is a very important part of the reopening plan, so is the full-time virtual school option that is available to all resident K-12 students. The K-12 curriculum and course platform is provided by the Wisconsin Virtual School. This rigorous, content-rich curriculum meets state standards across a number of subject areas. Courses are offered in an asynchronous, online environment. Students in grades K-5 will have Menomonie teachers overseeing their courses, while Wisconsin Virtual School teachers will be facilitating the courses for students in grades 6-12. The SDMA K-5 virtual teachers, the SDMA 6-12 virtual coach, and the SDMA virtual school coordinator will work with families to monitor student progress and attendance in the online program. The full-time virtual option DOES NOT include synchronous instruction where teachers will be providing direct instruction to students.
Choosing the right educational setting for each child is not a decision to be taken lightly. The SDMA encourages families to learn more about the SDMA Virtual School Option on the district website and consider how it may or may not benefit each child. Families who choose the virtual school for their child(ren) must commit to the online platform for a minimum of a semester. There is a two-week drop window at the start of each semester whereby the district virtual school coordinator, in cooperation with the student, virtual teacher, parents and virtual coach, will determine if the student will be successful in the virtual course environment. Unless dropped in the first 14 days from the start of the course, students will need to complete the online semester before being allowed to transition back into a traditional classroom. Please understand that this drop window is not meant to provide more time for families to make a decision. Once a student is registered and the registration window closes, the commitment is made for the entire semester, unless there are extenuating circumstances (as determined by the school district) that would require a drop. Students dropped from the full-time virtual program will be placed in the school district for in-person instruction, but that placement will be determined based on the spaces available. At the elementary level, it is possible that the placement of a student dropped from the full-time virtual program could be at a school outside of the families neighborhood attendance area.
The application deadline for the Fall 2020 semester is midnight on August 12, 2020. Applications received after August 12, 2020 will be reviewed for the Spring 2021 semester.
Thank you.
Joe Zydowsky