Dear SDMA Families and Staff,
As you have probably already heard, news came out late yesterday afternoon that Governor Tony Evers is closing all public and private schools in Wisconsin for at least the next three weeks. All schools in the School District of the Menomonie Area will be closed to the public and there will be no classes or school activities until at least April 6.
In the SDMA, we have been planning for a number of scenarios related to the coronavirus outbreak. The SDMA district administrators and I met again this morning to discuss how the Governor's order may impact our schools. There are still many questions that will need to be answered as guidance continues to come down from the state, but here are a few key items for your information:
- The SDMA has no immediate plans to replace school days with online instruction. While we are planning to provide some opportunities for academic enrichment during this school closure, there are a number of factors that limit the ability of K-12 school districts to go fully online. In order to provide online instruction school districts need reliable broadband access and devices for all students, approved online curriculum, and the ability to meet legal requirements for serving students with special needs if online instruction is offered.
- Planning is underway for some essential services. SDMA School Nutrition Director Michelle Kloser is working on a plan for providing pick-up meals for children in our school district. It is anticipated that this service will begin on March 23. More information about this program and any other services to be provided by the school district will be shared next week.
The SDMA Board of Education will be holding a special meeting on Sunday evening to hear an update on the district's plans related to this school closure. Community members are always welcome to attend school board meetings, but with the advisement for limiting group gatherings, it might be best for people to watch it online instead. This school board meeting is scheduled to be recorded and uploaded to the Wis.Community website.
This entire situation certainly has the potential to cause a lot of fear and anxiety for students, families, staff, and community members. Please be reminded that there is no need to panic and there are currently no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Dunn County.
Yours truly,
Joe Zydowsky