The School Nutrition program is a pre-payment system requiring all accounts for school lunch or breakfast to be pre-paid, maintaining a positive balance. We recommend maintaining an account balance above $10. All accounts with a balance below $5.00 will receive an automated call notifying families that their account is getting low. All account balances, positive or negative, rollover to the next school year.
Payments can be made at any school, by mail or on-line through family access.
You are able to view your child's account online. Click here to access Family Access. If you do not have a parent login account, please call Technology Services at (715) 232-1642, ext 11142.
If you have any questions about your family account balance, please call Michelle at (715) 232-2609, ext 42124.
All payments made before 9 AM at the High School are entered into your family account the same day.
If you do not want to drop your payment off you can mail in your payment to:
School Nutrition Department-Payment
1715 5th Street West
Menomonie, WI 54751
Free and reduced meal applications are available at every school building office and at the Administrative Service Center. Payment can be made at any building office.