MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, January 15, 2024
Published on Jan 15, 2024 08:35
Menomonie Middle School Announcements
Martin Luther King Day: Martin Luther King Day is observed every year on the third Monday of January - on January 15 this year. King was an influential civil rights leader - best known for his work on racial equality and ending racial segregation in the United States. His life and achievements are remembered and celebrated on this day. Today MMS recognizes and honors Martin Luther King.
MathCounts: We have a MathCounts competition on Tuesday. Don't forget your lunch, money for ice cream, permission slip, pencil and calculator if you have one. Meet in the cafeteria after you check in with your CARES teacher around 7:40am.
Chess Club: If you like to play chess or you just want to learn to plays chess, Chess Club players from Menomonie HS invite you to join them in the middle school library after school on Tuesday, January 16 from 3:00 - 4:00pm. All are welcome. No chess experience is necessary.
Multi-Cultural Club: The next MCC meeting will be on Tuesday, January 16 after school in Ms. McCabe's room, 412. We will end at 4pm so please arrange your ride. MCC Officers - please check in with Mrs. Bade in room 418 during CARES on Monday, January 15 to plan our meeting. See you then!
Wrestling: The MMS Wrestling Parent/Guardians meeting will be held at MMS on Wednesday, January 17 at 5:10pm in the MMS Commons, immediately following our MMS Wrestling practice. Please make sure that at least 1 parent or guardian attends this meeting.
8th Grade Families: For those families interested in the Chippewa Valley Technical College Business Management Associate's Degree program through MHS, Menomonie High School will host an informational meeting on 1/17/24 starting at 5:30 pm in the Tiered Lecture Hall.
Quote of the Week: Becoming proud of yourself is the best gift you can give yourself. ~ Margo Vader
Word of the Month: Pride