MMS Daily Announcements - Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Published on Sep 20, 2022 09:22
Cross Country: Cross Country practice tonight (Tuesday) is cancelled. Please go home, rest, and drink plenty of water to prepare for Thursday. No Cross Country tonight (Tuesday).
Girls Tennis: our middle school girl’s tennis teams were in action yesterday afternoon for the first time this season as the took on Northstar Middle School. The coaches reported that both teams did extremely well for only having had 4 practices so far this season. Congratulations to the following doubles teams for their first victories of the season: Emelia and Sydney, Darla and Ellie, Luckeria and Anabelle, Evelyn and Kylie, Presley and Adalyn, Tiana and Elodi. A special congratulations to 6th graders Emmalyn Lorenzen and Kynlee Hintzman on their 6-0, 4-0 sweep! The girls are back in action this Thursday!
Core Value Poster Contest: You have this week to get your core value poster entries in to the front office. They are due this Friday, so find an interesting, creative, spectacular way to display our core values. Be sure you put your name on the back of your entry before turning it into the front office.
SAGA: Our fist SAGA meeting of the year will be tomorrow from 3:10pm – 3:45pm. We will meet in the 8th grade white pod room 815 - Mr. Dolan’s room. Everyone is welcome!
Student Council: Join Student Council! Student Council is a leadership group for 6th – 8th graders. We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7am in the library. Our next meeting is September 22nd. Application forms are bright orange for new members and are available in the office and in each pod by the white boards. Returning members should pick up a pink sheet from Ms. Yonash. All applications are due on Friday, September 23rd.
Quote of the Week: Empathy is important, openness, honesty, and an understanding for others. – Niko Kovac
Word of the Month: Empathy