MMS Daily Announcements - Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Published on Sep 14, 2022 08:21
Parents/Guardians: If you have not completed the Annual Update of Information for your student in your Family Access account, please do so by Friday. This information must be completed every year. If you do not have a login or need help logging in, please contact Morgan at (715) 232-1642 ext. 11142.
SAGA: Our fist SAGA meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, September 21st from 3:10pm – 3:45pm. We will meet in the 8th grade white pod room 815 - Mr. Dolan’s room. Everyone is welcome!
Sam Bags: Middle School has SAM bags again this year! If you are someone who could use some extra food for each weekend – come to the office to pick up a sign-up sheet. It’s open to every student at our school!
Battle of the Books: The library is starting sign-ups for the Battle of the Books! Get on the list so you don’t miss out on important information. When you sign up you get a book list and you can check out a Battle book for a head start. Contact Ms. Navarro in the library or Ms. Waddell if you have any questions.
Weight Room: Anyone interested in improving their athletic abilities are encouraged to attend morning workouts with Mr. Bielmeier. Tuesday are speed, Fridays are strength. Meet in the gym by 6:30am.
Student Council: Join Student Council! Student Council is a leadership group for 6th – 8th graders. We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7am in the library. Our first meetings are September 8th & September 22nd. Application forms are bright orange for new members and are available in the office and in each pod by the white boards. Returning members should pick up a pink sheet from Ms. Yonash. All applications are due on Friday, September 23rd.
Quote of the Week: Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world. – Barack Obama
Word of the Month: Empathy