MMS Daily Announcements - Friday, September 2, 2022
Published on Sep 2, 2022 15:52

Reminder there is no school Monday, September 5th.  Enjoy the long weekend and we will see you Tuesday!


Note to Parents:  If you are picking up your student early (appointments or otherwise), please be sure to send a note with your student and have them bring it to the office in the morning.  We will give them a pass to come out of class 5 minutes before your arrival.  This will help to avoid unnecessary interruptions in the classroom, assist in accurate attendance and limit your wait time at school.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Student Council:  Join Student Council!  Student Council is a leadership group for 6th – 8th graders.  We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7am in the library.  Our first meetings are September 8th & September 22nd.  Application forms are bright orange for new members and are available in the office and in each pod by the white boards.  Returning members should pick up a pink sheet from Mrs. Yonash.  All applications are due on Friday, September 23rd.


7 on 7 Football:  7 on 7 Football registration through the Recreation Department is open now until September 9, 2022. The program will begin on Saturday, September 10th at Phelan Park with a clinic hosted by the Menomonie High School Football team from 10:30am – noon. Football skills and games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights from September 13 – October 6.  If you would like to register, please contact the Recreation Department.

Word of the Month:  Empathy