MMS Daily Announcements - Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Published on May 18, 2022 08:47

School Store:  The School Store is sold out!  Thank you for your business this year!

Student Council:  Congratulations to our new Middle School Student Council Officers:

President:  Ellie Beck

Vice President:  Anabelle Weber

Secretary:  Darla Woodford

We are still in need of a treasurer for next year.  We will be holding elections for that position in the fall.

Impact Testing (current 8th graders only):  If you are going to be participating in any sport next year in high school you must complete Impact Testing.  We will have 2 sessions at the Middle School on Tuesday, May 31st and Wednesday, June 1st after school.  You must sign up in the front office and pick up a permission form that must be signed by your parents and returned at the time of testing.  Space is limited.  We will test right after school and be finished about 4:00pm.

Multi-Cultural Club:  Reminder for members:  We will work concessions at the track meets on Thursday, May 19.  Please be on time for your shift and arrange for your ride home.  Any questions see Mrs. Lemanski, Mrs. Xelhuantzi, or Mrs. Bade.


8th Graders:  If you plan to play football in High School next year, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, August 3rd from 5:30pm – 7:30pm in the High School cafeteria.  Mark you calendar! 


Quote of the Week: Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving.  They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. ~ Conrad Hilton


Word of the Month:  Success