MMS Daily Announcements - Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Published on Apr 27, 2022 08:47

Boys Tennis:  Your MMS Boys Tennis teams opened their season last night with decisive wins over Northstar Middle School!  The M1 team was on the road and won their match 12-2.  M2 hosted at our home courts and won their match 7-3.  The coaches said: “The boys did fantastic!  They have worked very hard during the first week of practice and were ready for competition.  Even the matches that were lost were very close!”  the teams are back in action this Thursday afternoon.  We wish them good luck.


Mustang Minds:  We will be meeting in the 7th Grade Gold Pod after school on Thursday for snack and attendance.


CVTC Field Trip:  8th grade students going on the CVTC field trip with Mrs. Brown will meet in the cafeteria at 8:30am on Thursday, April 28.


Multi-Cultural Club:  We will have a brief meeting today, during CARES in Mrs. Bade’s room:  418.  We will talk about selling concessions at 2 track meets on May 12 and May 18.  You can sign up to work on Google Classroom or in Senora Lemanski’s or Mrs. Bade’s rooms.  Wee you Wednesday during CARES.


Middle School Dance:  Are you ready to dance!?  Student Council will be hosting its first dance in over 2 years!  The dance will be on Thursday, April 28th from 3:15 – 5:30pm in the gym.  The cost is $5 with $1 of that being donated to Bridge to Hope.  Concession will be sold at the dance as well. 


8th Graders:  If you plan to play football in High School next year, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, August 3rd from 5:30pm – 7:30pm in the High School cafeteria.  Mark you calendar! 


Varsity Cheer Tryouts:    8th Graders – Are you ready to show your school spirit?!  Why not try out for the varsity cheer team.  Tryouts are May 5th & 6th from 4:30 – 6:00 to learn materials in the HS commons.  The tryouts are May 7th from 9 – 11 am in the HS gym.  Look out for flyers and social media posts for details to sign up.


Quote of the Week: A great attitude to have in life is to learn how to be prepared for the worst – but also know how to expect the best in life. ~ Dylan Cameron


Word of the Month:  Attitude