MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, April 11, 2022
Published on Apr 11, 2022 08:50

Report Cards:  Report cards for term 3 have been sent home with students.  They can also be found online in your Family Access account.


Solo & Ensemble:  Congratulations to all music students who participated at Solo & Ensemble.  Everyone performed wonderfully and represented Menomonie Middle School well!  Congratulations!


Weight Room:  The weight room will be open on Tuesday and Friday at 6:30am.  It is open to anyone and is a great opportunity to improve your health and athletic ability!


Autism Awareness Week:  MMS is celebrating Autism Awareness Week.  We will have dress up days and hope you all join with us.


Tuesday:  Tie Dye Day!  Wear anything tie-dye!

Wednesday:  Silly Shirt Day!  Wear the silliest shirt you can find!

Thursday:  Blue Out!  Wear as much blue as you can!


Penny War:  In honor of Autism Awareness Week, we will be conducting a Penny War, April 11 – 14.  Each CARES team will compete with each other in their own pod.  The CARES class with the most pennies will win donuts for their CARES class.  The object of the war is to get the highest number of pennies and the lowest number of dollars.  All of the profits will go to charity to help support people with autism.  Here are the rules:

1 dollar = -100 points

1 quarter = -25 points

1 dime = -10 points

1 nickel = -5 points

1 penny = +1 point

No taking money out of any bucket!


Self Care Club:  Club will be cancelled Tuesday, April 12th.  Club will continue on April 19.


Quote of the Week: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~ Sir Winston Churchill


Word of the Month:  Attitude