MMS Daily Announcements - Friday, January 28, 2022
Published on Jan 28, 2022 08:51

Report Cards:  Report cards will be handed out in CARES today.  Parents:  please check with your student that they bring it home.  Report cards can also be viewed online in your Family Access account.


Forensics:  Congratulations to Forensics students on a great first meet of the season.  Be sure to keep your judging sheets and sign up with a coach before our level 1 meet on February 8th.


Fleece Drive:  Student Council is sponsoring a Fleece Drive so the school can make small tie blankets for the cats at the Humane Society.  Fleece can be dropped off outside the office.  Tie blanket making is open to all students.  Blanket making will be after school on Wednesday, February 9th.  Let’s help the kitties be comfortable!


Quote of the Week: Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does. ~ William James


Word of the Month:  Pride


Reminders:  We continue to emphasize hand washing, physical distancing and respiratory etiquette.  A friendly reminder to all students to continue to hand wash or use sanitizer in the lunch lines.  We have sanitizing stations located throughout the building in pods, entry ways, lunch lines and in classrooms.  Please stay home if you are sick or if you or a family member are waiting on a Covid-19 test result.