MMS Daily Announcements - Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Published on Jan 19, 2022 08:56
Volleyball Tournament: Attention Volleyball Teams: During lunch today, you will meet with Mr. Haas in the gym to discuss the format of the tournament. Mr. Haas will come to the cafeteria to get you when it is time.
Students: Come on out and cheer your friends and classmates on as they battle on the court tomorrow after school in the 1st Volleyball Tournament.
FFA: The rodeo for January 28th is cancelled due to new restrictions at Target Center. If you have already paid, see Mrs. Forster and get your money back.
MathCounts: The Math Counts students represented our school well in the competition in Rice Lake yesterday.
In 6th grade, Nic Bossany, Gavin Watkins, and Allison Xu all tied for 3rd place, while Logan topper took 1st place.
In 7th grade, Michael Mommsen took 2nd place, and Aiden Anderson got 1st place.
For the 8th grade division, Kennedy Nowlen got 3rd place and Tanner Husby got 2nd place.
In the countdown round, Aiden Anderson finished the overall competition in 2nd place, Michael Mommsen in 6th place, Logan Topper in 8th, and Tanner Husby in 10th.
Reminder to MathCounts students that we have practice after school today.
SAGA: SAGA Club will meet in Mr. Dolan’s room 815 on Thursday after school. Come and join us! All are welcome!
Quote of the Week: If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” ~ Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)
Word of the Month: Pride
Reminders: We continue to emphasize hand washing, physical distancing and respiratory etiquette. A friendly reminder to all students to continue to hand wash or use sanitizer in the lunch lines. We have sanitizing stations located throughout the building in pods, entry ways, lunch lines and in classrooms. Please stay home if you are sick or if you or a family member are waiting on a Covid-19 test result.