MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, November 29, 2021
Published on Nov 29, 2021 08:45

Attitude + Effort = Success!

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving break and winter break is right around the corner!  We have 3 ½ weeks left before break so let’s make the most of it!  Remember to be respectful, responsible and ready to learn!


Quote of the Week: When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others. ~ Dalai Lama


Word of the Month:  Respect


Reminders:  We continue to emphasize hand washing, physical distancing and respiratory etiquette.  A friendly reminder to all students to continue to hand wash or use sanitizer in the lunch lines.  We have sanitizing stations located throughout the building in pods, entry ways, lunch lines and in classrooms.  Please stay home if you are sick or if you or a family member are waiting on a Covid-19 test result.