MMS Daily Announcements - Thursday, September 23, 2021
Published on Sep 23, 2021 08:38
Pictures: Student pictures were handed out Wednesday and Thursday during CARES. Please check with your student that they bring them home. Picture retakes will be next week Thursday, September 30th right away in the morning.
Homecoming: Next week is Homecoming! The theme this year is “Find Your Rhythm.” Dress up days are as follows:
Monday – Rock Day
Tuesday – Country Day
Wednesday – Pod Colors
Thursday – Throwback Day
Friday – Mustang Pride Day
There will be a CARES competition on Tuesday for the CARES class who has the highest percentage of students dressed up for Country Day. The winning CARES class from each grade will win donuts Friday.
Weight Room: The weight room will be open Tuesday’s and Friday’s starting next week at 6:30 am. Our MMS Physical Education teacher Mr. Bielmeier is excited to open it up! It is open to anyone and is a great opportunity to improve your health and athletic ability! Let’s get after it!
SAGA: SAGA is a club for LGBT students and allies. We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. SAGA will be meeting this Thursday from 3 – 4 in room 815 in the white pod. See you there!
Multi-Cultural Club: Do you want to learn about countries and cultures in our world? Come and join Multi-Cultural Club with Senora Lemanski, Mrs. Bade and Mrs. Xelhuantzi. Pick up an application from one of these teachers. Our 1st meeting will be after school on Thursday, September 23 in Mrs. Lemanksi’s room, room 412. We end at 4:15pm. Please arrange a ride home.
Quote of the Week: Empathy is important, openness, honesty, and an understanding for others. ~ Niko Kovac
Word of the Month: Empathy
Reminders: We continue to emphasize hand washing, physical distancing and respiratory etiquette. A friendly reminder to all students to continue to hand wash or use sanitizer in the lunch lines. We have sanitizing stations located throughout the building in pods, entry ways, lunch lines and in classrooms. Please stay home if you are sick or if you or a family member are waiting on a Covid-19 test result.