MMS Daily Announcements - Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Published on Apr 28, 2021 08:16

Boys Tennis:  We have an intrasquad match tomorrow (Thursday) after school.  Remember to wear your team shirt!

SAGA:  The sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA) Squad is a student-led group for LGBTQ+ students and allies.  This group meets from 3:00 – 3:45 every Thursday in Mr. Evans’ room, room 728.  This is a safe place for all 6-8 students and teachers to have conversations related to the LGBTQ+ community.  Our goal is to educate ourselves, support all students, plan outreach activities, and promote a safe environment in our school and community.  We hope that you will join us!

High School Varsity Football Cheer Tryouts:  Hey 8th graders!  Interested in trying out for Varsity Football Cheer? Well, you're in luck! We will be having tryouts for our upcoming season in just a few short weeks. There will be two days that you will need to attend Friday, May 14th from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm where you will learn a few jumps, kicks, the school song, a few cheers, and part of a dance. Then you will need to come back Sunday, May 16th from 9:00 am to 11:30 am to try out! The team will then be posted by 12:45! Remember no experience is needed to try out. 

**A Google Form is being sent to your email.  Please fill it out if you are interested.**

If you or your parents have any questions please feel free to reach out to: 

Coach Kirstie Olson by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone 7153081237 or,

 Coach Krista Howard by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone 17153088781

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!!

 -Coach Kirstie & Coach Krista


Food Drive:  Right now, food pantries across the U.S. are in need of more food items.  MMS students from Scout Troop 23 are now putting on a food drive where all proceeds will go to the local Stepping Stones food pantry.  Please drop any non-perishable food items in the bin outside the office.  The bin will be collected on Friday, April 30th.  Thank you for your donations.


High School Dance Team Try-outs:  The Menomonie High School Dance team will have tryouts on May 2nd, from 1 – 5pm at the high school.  Auditions will run like a clinic for the first half.  The second half will be the tryouts.  No past dancing experience is necessary.  Just bring a smile and readiness to learn!  Open to grades 8-11.  Check out the posters in the pod for more information.


Quote of the Week:  Always remember that in one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your entire day.  ~ Spencer Johnson


Word of the Month:  Attitude