MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, April 26, 2021
Published on Apr 26, 2021 08:43

Current 6th & 7th Graders:  Please make sure you turn in your registration forms for next year to the front office as soon as possible in order to make sure you get a spot in the music course you want!

Science Olympiad:  Menomonie Middle School's Science Olympiad Team finished 3rd overall in the April State Tournament. In total, teams brought home medals in 39 individual top 6 finishes with 27 individual students medaling. Top three finishers state wide include: Grant Burns and Ally Dickman (1st- Circuit Lab), Grant Burns and Spencer Kelsey (1st- Solar Power), Grant Burns and Peter Cimino (2nd- Crime Busters), Grant Burns and Sawyer Bast (2nd- Density Lab), Amy Liu and Olivia Rubenzer (2nd- Disease Detectives), Caleb DeVries and Luke Ray (2nd- Dynamic Planet), Ben Seguin and Sawyer Bast (2nd- Game On), Grant Burns (2nd- Ping Pong Parachute), Peter Cimino (2nd- Elastic Launch Glider), Grant Burns and Spencer Kelsey (2nd- Heredity), Peter Cimino (3rd- Boomilever), Maddie Horvath, Journey Holt, and Pajci Xiong (3rd- Experimental Design), Sara Palmer and Caleb Devries (3rd- Fossils), Spencer Kelsey and Derek Weber (3rd- Water Quality), Westin Ngo (3rd- Ping Pong Parachute), Derek Weber and Luke Ray (3rd Ornithology), Sara Palmer and Ally Dickman (4th- Horticulture), Ben Seguin and Ally Dickman (4th- Machines), Ben Seguin and Caleb DeVries (4th Road Scholar), Amy Liu and Olivia Rubenzer (4th Virology), Maddie Horvath and Pajci Xiong (5th Write it Do it), Megan Hansen and Miles Ogden (5th- Exhibition- Write it Do It), Maddie Horvath (5th Virtual Geocache), Ben Seguin (5th Mission Possible), Ethan Chan and Westin Ngo (5th Mystery Build), Derek Weber and Luke Ray (5th Meteorology), Westin Ngo and Miles Ogden (5th Machines), Max Jaeger (5th Game On), Amy Liu and Journey Holt (6th Anatomy and Physiology), Sam Zander (6th Boomilever), Carly Weber and Megan Hansen (6th Dynamic Planet), Sawyer Bast and Olivia Rubenzer (6th Food Science), Ben Seguin and Peter Cimino (6th Mystery Build), Maddie Horvath and Pacji Xiong (6th Reach for the Stars), Carly Weber and Keebxtuj Xiong (6th Water Quality)

High School Varsity Football Cheer Tryouts:  Hey 8th graders!  Interested in trying out for Varsity Football Cheer? Well, you're in luck! We will be having tryouts for our upcoming season in just a few short weeks. There will be two days that you will need to attend Friday, May 14th from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm where you will learn a few jumps, kicks, the school song, a few cheers, and part of a dance. Then you will need to come back Sunday, May 16th from 9:00 am to 11:30 am to try out! The team will then be posted by 12:45! Remember no experience is needed to try out. 

**A Google Form is being sent to your email.  Please fill it out if you are interested.**

If you or your parents have any questions please feel free to reach out to: 

Coach Kirstie Olson by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone 7153081237 or,

 Coach Krista Howard by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone 17153088781

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!!

 -Coach Kirstie & Coach Krista


Boys Tennis:  Reminder for boys tennis, ride the bus to the high school all week for practice.


School Store:  The School Store has gone mobile! The store will be on carts in each pod starting today!  There is no need to go into a different pod as each cart has the same items.  We hope to see you there!


Food Drive:  Right now, food pantries across the U.S. are in need of more food items.  MMS students from Scout Troop 23 are now putting on a food drive where all proceeds will go to the local Stepping Stones food pantry.  Please drop any non-perishable food items in the bin outside the office.  The bin will be collected on Friday, April 30th.  Thank you for your donations.


High School Dance Team Try-outs:  The Menomonie High School Dance team will have tryouts on May 2nd, from 1 – 5pm at the high school.  Auditions will run like a clinic for the first half.  The second half will be the tryouts.  No past dancing experience is necessary.  Just bring a smile and readiness to learn!  Open to grades 8-11.  Check out the posters in the pod for more information.


Quote of the Week: 


Word of the Month:  Attitude