MMS Daily Announcements - Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Published on Apr 20, 2021 08:08
Boys Tennis: You will be riding the bus to the high school for tennis practice tonight.
Food Drive: Right now, food pantries across the U.S. are in need of more food items. MMS students from Scout Troop 23 are now putting on a food drive where all proceeds will go to the local Stepping Stones food pantry. Please drop any non-perishable food items in the bin outside the office. The bin will be collected on Friday, April 30th. Thank you for your donations.
High School Dance Team Try-outs: The Menomonie High School Dance team will have tryouts on May 2nd, from 1 – 5pm at the high school. Auditions will run like a clinic for the first half. The second half will be the tryouts. No past dancing experience is necessary. Just bring a smile and readiness to learn! Open to grades 8-11. Check out the posters in the pod for more information.
Quote of the Week: A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes.
Word of the Month: Attitude