MMS Daily Announcements - Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Published on Dec 22, 2020 08:28

Reminder:  Today is the last day of school before Winter Break!  There will be NO SCHOOL from Wednesday, December 23 – Sunday, January 3.  School resumes on Monday, January 4, 2021!


Science Olympiad:  There is no practice today.


Trap:  We are having sign ups for the Mustang’s Trap League.  Sign up sheets and info can be picked up in the front office.


Mathcounts:  We will have our first virtual practice competition on Wednesday, January 6th.  If you haven’t been at practice and you still want to be on a team, please let the coaches know.


Quote of the Week:  Whatever you choose, do it fully with a passion and childlike enthusiasm. ~ Dr. Oz


Word of the Month:  Enthusiasm