MMS Daily Announcements - Thursday, December 17, 2020
Published on Dec 17, 2020 08:47
Holiday/Birthday Treats: Due to mitigation practices, we are asking that no homemade treats be brought into the school. Anything brought in, must be purchased AND be purchased in pre-packaged individual wraps.
Reminder about masks and social distancing: Don’t get comfortable! We need to be proactive and continue to wear our masks appropriately and maintain social distancing. We only have 4 days of classes left before the break! We are almost there! Keep up the great work! Your friends and teachers appreciate your cooperation!
Forensics: It is not too late to sign up for Forensics. The Google Form will be open until the end of the day on Friday. See Mrs. Enyeart or Mr. Haas with questions.
Holiday Dress Up Days will be today through Tuesday, Dec. 22.
Thursday – Holiday Mask
Friday – Flannel
Monday – Comfy Day
Tuesday – Santa’s Workshop (elves, Santa, toys, reindeer, candy canes, trees)
3rd Quarter Sport Sign Up: 3rd quarter sports sign ups are this week. A google form was sent out to your email this morning and you can sign up through Friday, December 18th. We will be signing up for 6-8 Wrestling, 7-8 Girls Basketball and 7-8 Boys Swim. Forms will be available in the front office after Winter Break. Wrestling will begin on Wednesday, January 6th. 8th Grade Basketball will being on Wednesday, January 20th and 7th Grade Basketball will begin on Thursday, January 21st. Boys Swim will beginWednesday, January 20th. However, pay attention to the announcements for any changes.
Quote of the Week: Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Word of the Month: Enthusiasm