MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, September 14, 2020
Published on Sep 14, 2020 09:34

Tennis:  Reminder that any individuals interested in tennis please join our meeting today after school in the cafeteria.  Our meeting will end at 3:45pm.


Band:  8th grade band students and 7th/8th grade music history students, please bring your chromebook with you to class today.


Student Council:  If you were not able to attend the Student Council Kickoff Meeting last week, you can still join this leadership group.  See Mr. Haas or Ms. Yonash for an application.  Applications for Student Council are due this Friday, September 18th.


Annual Update of Information:  Parents:  reminder that the annual update of information needs to be done no later than Friday, September 11th.  This is in place of paper forms.  Please log in to your Family Access account to update the information.  Contact the office if you have questions. 


Quote of the Week:  Empathy has no script.  There is no right way or wrong way to do it.  It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of “You’re not alone.” – Brenè Brown


Word of the Month:  Empathy