MMS Daily Announcements - Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Published on Sep 17, 2019 09:07

Host Family:  We are still looking for one family to host for our Japanese students.  We need a family to host boys for one week this fall.  See Mrs. Horner in the office asap if interested.


Multicultural Club:  Do you want to try using chopsticks?  Do you want to try Hmong egg rolls or Indian curry?  Do you want to learn about other cultures and countries?  Join Multicultural Club!  Pick up a registration form from Mrs. Lemanski’s room 412 or Mrs. Bade’s room 612.  Our first meeting will be next week, Wednesday, September 25th!


Cross Country:  This is a reminder that we have a meet today.  All runners should be released at 1:50 pm and change for the race before you load the bus.  We will load outside the gym doors.  Pease see a coach with questions.


Fall Play:  Auditions for the Fall Play will be happening soon!  This year, MMS will be performing TWO small plays.  Auditions for both plays will take place Thursday, Sep. 19th & Friday, Sep. 20th from 3:10 – 4:45 pm.  For more information and audition materials, please see Ms. Grubbe.


Core Value Poster Contest:  Be sure you don’t forget that there’s still time to get creative and make a poster to display our core values.  The core value poster entries need to be on an 8 ½ X 11 piece of paper.  They should portray each of our 6 Core Values:  responsibility, respect, safety, pride, enthusiasm, and empathy.  Be sure you put your name on the back of your entry and turn it in to the office.  Entries are due by next Friday, September 20.


Yearbook:  Yearbook back to school sale:  Order a yearbook for $19 and get 4 free icons when you personalize your cover with your name!  Purchase a yearbook at or get an order form in the front office.


FCCLA:  Do you like community service?  How about creating your own project and competing with it?  Are you a leader?  Would you like to be a better leader?  Then FCCLA might be right for you!  Come check out what FCCLA is all about on Tuesday, September 17th.  We will meet in the FACS room from 3:00 – 3:45 pm.  We will discuss what we’d like to do this year.  Can’t make it to the meeting?  See Mrs. Kellander for all the info you’ll miss.  Hope to see you there!


Quote of the Week:  Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant? ~ Henry David Thoreau


Word of the Month:  Empathy