MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, April 1, 2019
Published on Apr 1, 2019 09:41

State Exams:  Our State Forward testing continues for all three grades on Tuesday, April 2nd.  Nearly everyone in the building will be involved in testing that day.  You need to make sure you have your chrome book here and that they are charged and ready to go.  Also, on Friday, April 5th all students in the building will need their own set of ear buds or head phones.  Remember – these are our Academic Olympics!  Do your best!


Parents:  Please make sure you are sending notes in the morning with students if you are planning to pick up your student during the day.  Phone calls into classrooms during testing is not allowed.


Y.E.P.  Youth Empowerment Program starts Tuesday, April 2nd.  Meet in the commons after school.  Applications are in the front office.  Hope to see you there!


Spring Pictures:  Parents that still need to order spring photos must do so online.  We cannot accept orders or money in the office.  Orders must be placed online by 3pm today to avoid an additional shipping charge.  The code to order online is MI428611YO.


Quote of the Week:  If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou


Word of the Month:  Attitude