MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, November 5, 2018
Published on Nov 5, 2018 08:53

Veterans Day:  In honor and appreciation of our Veterans, we ask that all students and staff please dress appropriately this Friday.

Veterans Day Helpers and Readers:  We will meet this Wednesday during WIN in the cafeteria.

Science Olympiad:  MMS Science Olympiad is back!  After school practice will begin in Mr. Evans’ room 728 in the Silver Pod at 3:00 pm today, November 5th.  Event rules, welcome letters, and registration forms can be picked up any time from the bin in front of Mr. Evans’ room.  All hard-working students with a passion for science & engineering are welcome to join!

Math Counts:  We will be starting up for the year on Wednesday, Nov. 7th.  We will meet from 3 – 4 pm in Mrs. Paull’s room (Room 727 in the Silver Pod).  If you cannot make the first meeting but are interested in joining Math Counts, please see Mrs. Paull, Mrs. Tavares, or Mrs. Forster.

Quote of the Week:  I respect myself and insist upon it from everybody.  Because I do it, I respect everybody too. – Maya Angelou


Respect:  Be caring, helpful, and supportive of yourself, everyone, and everything.  Act with integrity.