MMS Daily Announcements - Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Published on Apr 10, 2018 08:58
Would the following students stop to pick up something in the LMC this morning: Lila Parent, Kira Prochnow, Garret Crouse, Will Ehlert and Luke Mahoney.
FCA: Meeting tomorrow at 6:50 am in the General Music room.
Phy Ed: All phy ed students bring your chrome books to phy ed class today.
Fuel Up to Play 60: Students that signed up to go to the Twins game on Wednesday – Please report to the cafeteria after announcements today for a short informational meeting. See Mr. Harmon or Mrs. Hasting with questions.
Public Library Events: Break out your yoga mats and start stretching. It’s time for yoga class! Come to the Menomonie Public Library Saturday, April 14th at 2 pm for this free class. Whether a beginner or expert, all body types and abilities are welcome!
The Menomonie Public Library is inviting you to play with our expensive toys! It’s the Teen Tech Event! Test out cool technology stuff like 3D printer pens, a gears set, a coding kit, electric circuits, and a LEGO robot! Come to the library on Saturday, April 14th at 3:30 pm after the Teen Yoga Class to test the tech!
Tornado Safety: If a basement is not available, move to a small interior room on the lowest floor and cover yourself with anything close at hand: towels, blankets, pillows. If possible, get under a sturdy table, desk or counter. Put as many walls as possible between you and the storm. Stay away from windows.
Multi-Cultural Club: There will be a meeting during CARES today after announcements in the Spanish Room. We will be discussing our field trip and finalizing the t-shirt orders. See you after announcements!
Forward Exam Testing Notes:
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep the night before.
- Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch on testing days.
- Make sure your Chromebook is fully charged and ready to go!
- If you aren’t sure how to answer a question on the test or it is taking you too long to answer, flag the question, so you can come back and answer it later.
- Be sure to read the direction carefully.
- Familiarize yourself with all the helpful tools the test has to offer.
- Take your time and do your best.
Reminder: Be sure to bring headphones or earbuds for the listening test this Thursday, April 12th.