Forward Exam Testing Reminder
Published on Apr 3, 2018 15:45

Due to the school closure today, Forward Exam Testing will begin tomorrow, April 4th and go through Monday, April 30th.  You can find more information on the Forward Exam on our website.  Tomorrow, 8th grade will begin testing during Social Studies. 

Students:  Please make sure to have your Chromebooks fully charged and get plenty of sleep.  If you need to, you can leave your Chromebooks in your CARES room at night to charge.

Parents/Gaurdians:  During testing, it’s important that we not interrupt classes with calls and asking students to leave in the middle of testing.  We understand not all appointments can be avoided during testing, however we do ask that you send a note with your student in the morning and have them stop in the office to get a pass before school to help eliminate interruptions.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.