MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, November 6, 2017
Published on Nov 6, 2017 08:57
Desk Cleaning: 6th and 7th grade pods keep your chairs down if you would like your desk cleaned today after school.
Tim Scott Presentation: Due to the solemn nature of today’s Tim Scott presentation, the library will be closed after CARES and checkout Chromebooks will not be available. Do not allow students to print to the LMC copier. Please help your students plan accordingly, and thank you for your cooperation as well.
Veteran’s Day readers and helpers: All Veteran’s Day readers and helpers will meet this Wednesday in the cafeteria following announcements. Please see Mr. Larson if you have any questions.
Veteran’s Day: In honor and appreciation of Veteran’s Day, the Friday, November 10th, we are encouraging all students and staff to dress up for the day.
Bel Canto: Pizza and practice is this Friday, November 10th! If you have not turned in your permission slip to Mrs. Enyeart, come to the choir room after announcements.
Trap Shooting: Attention trap club present members and new members: We will be having a sign up and registration for middle school students at the high school commons area this Thursday, November 9th, at 6:00 pm. There will be information and raffle tickets available to pick up. Please come join us.
PE Classes: Please bring your chromebook to PE today and Tuesday.