MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, September 25, 2017
Published on Sep 25, 2017 08:34
Smart Girls Rock: In 1960, chemist Stephanie Kwolek invented the super-strong Kevlar fiber, used to make bulletproof vests. Kwolek’s invention is five time stronger than steel. Besides saving countless lives as personal armor, Kevlar is used in 100’s of other products such as bike helmets, fire-fighting gear, brakes, and smartphones! Be a girl that rocks! Smart Girls Rock permission forms are due on Friday, October 6th, to Ms. Yonash.
Host Families Needed: We still need boys to host some of our visitors from Japan. We have information sheets in the main office and we really need hosts – so if you can help stop by and let the office know!
Cross Country: Over the river and through the woods to Chippewa Falls they go!! Good luck to our cross country team as they race their first 2 mile tonight! Cross Country runners: please make sure you get dressed to run during the school day and load the busses outside the phy ed doors immediately after school. Good luck team!
Fundraiser: Thank you to all students who turned in magazine sales to support the music program! Any late orders can be turned in to Mrs. Enyeart by this Wednesday, September 27th.
Art Club: Just a reminder that art club meets tonight, September 25, after school. See Mrs. Brenner if you have any questions otherwise see you in room 411 at 3:00 pm!
Student Council: We will have our first official meeting this Thursday, September 28, at 7 am in the library. Anyone who turned in packets is welcome.