MMS Daily Announcements - Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Published on Feb 21, 2017 08:09
Volleyball: Attention 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls interested in spring league volleyball. There is an information flyer in the front office for all those interested in playing competitive volleyball. Don’t wait, practices start in about a week.
Forensics: If you have not yet brought money for family night, bring it to Mr. Haas or Mrs. Enyeart during CARES. See you all at 4:30 pm in the MMS Cafeteria!
FCCLA: FCCLA State attendees don’t forget we’re meeting today after school for a few minutes to discuss state competition and fundraising ideas! If you can’t make it, you need to let Mrs. K. know ASAP!
Movie Day: The MHS Optimist Club is having a movie day on Sunday, Feb. 26th at the high school. It will be from 1 pm – 6 pm. The cost of admission is a non-perishable food item that will be donated to Stepping Stones. Three different movies will be shown. Start time are 1:00 pm, 2:45 pm and 4:15 pm. Children ages 12 and under should be with an adult. Concessions will be sold.
2017 Optimist International World Oratorical Contest Information: Here is some critical information regarding the upcoming Dunn Country Optimist Oratorical Contest:
- All entries must be complete and sent to Diane Simon via email at [email protected] on or before April 7, 2017.
- Along with the application, we must receive a copy of the speech, a copy of the contestant’s birth certificate as well as the application.
- The Club Oratorical Contest will be held on April 12 at 5:30 pm.The site is to be determined pending number of entries.
- The winners (one boy and one girl) will be sent to the Zone competition to determine those to be sent to the district contest.
- The District Contest will be held on Saturday, May 6, 2017 in Oshkosh, WI at the 3rd Quarter Conference.Information will be given to the Zone winners regarding motel information and District competition start time.
- The District Winners will receive a $2,500 scholarship!
- One contestant will be selected to be WINUM’s entry in the World Oratorical Contest on June 15 & 16, 2017 in St. Louis for the opportunity to win an additional scholarship valued between $10,000 and $20,000.
Remember, applications need to be emailed along with a copy of applicant’s birth certificate and a copy of the speech to Diane Simon at [email protected] on or before April 7, 2017.