The new application for free or reduced priced meals is available in August of each year. A new application must be on file every year.
If your income or family size changes at any time during the school year you may apply for Free and Reduced Meal benefits. Benefits are based on a set of income standards established by the agencies that govern the Child Nutrition Programs.
Applications are available at the ASC office- (215 Pine Avenue NE, Menomonie WI 54751), or any of the school buildings, and may be completed at any time during the school year. You can also download and print an application.
Lunch prices will be $2.40 for Elementary and $2.50 for middle and high school students. Extra milk and milk for those bringing lunch from home, will be $.50 a carton.
We are able to offer FREE BREAKFAST to all students!
Please help your child learn their KeyPad Number before school starts. This number can be found in Family Access. Click on the Food Service Tab in Family Access and their number will be on the right side under Keypad Number.
It is very important that you fill out the free and reduced application if you think you might qualify for these benefits. An application is included in this packet and can also be picked up at each school or you can apply online through Family Access.
This is a good time to check your family's balance in your lunch account. The school nutrition program is self-funded and has relied on pre-payment of meals. Payments can be made on-line through Family Access, at the individual schools, or at the ASC office at 215 Pine Avenue E. Mailing payments is also an option.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Stacy Nelson, Director of Food and Nutrition Services
215 Pine Ave. E
Menomonie, WI 54751
[email protected] or 715-232-1642 ext. 11064