Dear SDMA Families,
The SDMA Reopening Plan approved by the school board includes the continuation of transportation services offered by Menomonie Transportation. While Menomonie Transportation will continue to do a great job for our school district this year, guidelines related to COVID-19 transmission encourage families to transport students on their own whenever possible.
For those who need to utilize transportation services, several mitigation measures will be put in place on buses like hand sanitation, cohorted seating, and the use of face coverings. Physical distancing will be emphasized as much as possible on the buses, but the ability to distance students on many of the bus routes will be quite limited. In order for Menomonie Transportation to plan routes with distancing at the greatest extent possible, we are asking that families that typically use the bus, but are now planning to transport students on their own, to please email to let the bus company know that your child will not be riding. There is no need to email Tom if your child is participating in virtual schooling, since those changes to bus route rosters have already been accounted.
Please also understand that all students using the bus will be required to wear a cloth face covering. Pre-approved medical exceptions may be accommodated through the school office, but those arrangements should be made with the school ASAP, so Menomonie Transportation can be informed. Students refusing to wear a cloth face covering without a pre-arranged accommodation may not be allowed to board the bus.
While it still may be possible that students will be allowed to ride a bus as a guest of another student. The requirement of having a pre-arranged pass from the school office will be strictly enforced.
Thank you.
Joe Zydowsky