Dear SDMA Families and Staff.
As discussed earlier this week in the Q&A session about reopening SDMA schools, the use of cloth face coverings/masks will be part of the COVID-19 mitigation measures employed by the school district. Collaboration with the Dunn County Health Department is ongoing, and more specific information about district requirements for the start of the school year will be shared prior to September 1. Below is some useful information from SDMA Nurse Ramie McMahon:
Cloth Face Covering/Mask Resource Guide for SDMA Students and Staff
Staff and families can help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community now by using a cloth face covering/mask as much as possible. Adults can role model this important skill for students.
Here are some information to help with that:
- There are a limited number of free cloth face coverings for families available with the summer Free Meals for Kids Program meal pick ups on Thursdays from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm at Menomonie High School and Menomonie Middle School.
- There are a limited number of cloth face coverings available at the Menomonie School District Administrative Service Center; 715-232-1642 opt 0 - call ahead to check for availability and time to pick up.
- There may be cloth face coverings available for families with the Stepping Stones Food Pantry Pick Up. , 1602 Stout Road, Menomonie; 715-235-2950.
- Washable and reusable cloth face coverings will be provided to each student at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.
Here are some additional resources for families to consider:
Thank you for your continued attention and support, and thank you to Ramie McMahon for gathering this information.
Joe Zydowsky